Monday, May 5, 2014

Fat burning diet [ weight loss 6kg in a week ]

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For people who need to lose weight in no time. This diet provided by one hospital in maryland usa for heart patients who need to lose weight quickly before surgery.

7 day program is used as often as needed. If practiced correctly and accurately carried out in full , the program will clean up the metabolism system that will help the body's defenses and provide fresh condition not previously felt. Only a matter of days in the time period , you will feel your body will be lighter sekurang2nya 10 pounds ( + / - 4 kg ) and perhaps even to 17 pounds ( + / -7.5 kg ) and has a larger energy . Continue this program for you want and feel the difference.

This program is a burning program and the secret is that you will burn more calories than the calories you consume . This will clean up the management system of the body and gives freshness . The program is organized to not consume alcohol at all because of a disability discharge stack body fat and metabolic system . Start the program by first freeing themselves from the consumption of alcohol at least 24 hours .

Because of differences in the digestive system every people, this program will provide two different effects for each person . After 3 days of the program then you will feel fresh and have energy greater than before the program if you never violate . After a few days of the program you will feel significant changes in your pouch . But you can still consume black coffee without sweetener or sugar , you 'll find that after 3 days of the program you need the caffeine felt no need .

Consuming can not be this program for:
1 . Bread / rice
2 . Alcoholic beverages
3 . Carbonated beverages ( coke , sprite , green sand , soda water , etc. )
4 . Drink diet ( diet coke etc.)
5 . Foods fried

Can consumed :
1 . White water
2 . Unsweetened black coffee / sugar
3 . Unsweetened tea / sugar
4 . Cranberry juice
5 . Milk low calorie (only on established yg )

Note :
* sup get fat burner at any time consumen feel hungry , eat at the desired and often as dimaui .
* sup calorie is not adding the body at all . The more you consumtion sup big fat you are getting burned .
* you can eat chicken boiled or roasted ( no cover ) for meat replace .
* must consume obat2an time for diet program will not interfere with own .
* if you like more fish in the flesh appeal , menuker you can eat menu with fish .

" sup fat burner "

Materials policy :
1 . 3-6 bombay onions
2 . 6 fresh tomato
3 . 1 flowers col
4 . 2 green peppers fruit
5 . Broth / air

How to :
Cut vegetables kecil2 , add in the bouillon , boiled for 10 mins or until the software . Sup eat this you feel hungry tiap you want some time in a day and tiap . Sup will be adding calorie in the body .

Day - 1
Eat all types except fruit banana . Watermelon low calorie content have compared with the other buah2an . Sup just eat fat burner and during the day buah2an - 1 is . Can drink tea for no sugar consumption , cranbeery juice and water white.

Day - 2
Eat vegetables any kind , whether crude or boiled according to taste. Strive eat vegetables green vegetables and refrain long bean seeds , beans or corn . Eat soup with vegetables is over fat burner . Dinner at the moment , as appreciation for your own commitment , treat yourself with boiled potatoes . Sup eat fat burner and do not eat at all of the day - 2 is .

Day - 3
Combine food day -2 -1 and day to - 3 on the day , the eat soup , buah2an , and sayur2an .
* if you follow the programme day 1 day until the 3rd no infringement least, at 4th day , you should have been lost + / -3 kg .

Day - 4
Just eat low calorie banana and milk ( skimmed milk ) . Eat to 8 banana and drink skimmed milk as you want . Second type of food and the pregnant carbohydrate and calorie you need and replace your requirements be sweet taste first program after 3 days . Sup you still fat burner kosumsi during the day - 4 .

Day -5
Eat meat with tomato , you can eat fish ( eat to 0.25 kg ) but could be replaced with roasted chicken or fish boiled and fresh tomato fruit of 6 of the day . Drink at least 8 glasses of water to clean white body of uric acid . Sup eat fat burner at least 1 time today.

Day -6
Fish eat ( eat - day as -5 ) and vegetables . Desire compatible consumption . Even you can eat 2-3 steak today, no potato . Keep your fat burner sup konsumsikan today.

Today -7
Rice rice red, fruit juice and vegetables unsweetened food today be together sup fat burner .

On the 7 surely you have lost + / - 6 kg . If you have achieved stop performance program for long time 1 - 2 weeks turn undergoing program to your ideal weight achieved .

For reusable try and work please share here yah experience and limitations .


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