Tuesday, May 27, 2014

List of Fruits That Can Lose Weight (Diet)

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The fruit is a type of food that is low in calories and low in fat but has a high fiber content. Fruit is very good for a healthy diet you are naturally and scientifically. However, some specific types of fruits have better content so it is good to help lose weight.

Here are the fruits that are useful to your diet :

1. Diets with Kiwi Fruit
Kiwi is a good source of vitamin C. Kiwi fruit has a high fiber content which helps reduce appetite. In addition to good diet, kiwi also good for digestion.

2. Diets with Lemon
How to use a lemon to help you lose weight is to squeeze it, then brewed with warm water and add honey. This drink is one of the best ways to lose excess weight and help the body's metabolic system.

3. Diets with Strawberries
Berrt fruit types such as strawberries, blueberries and raspberries unbelievably well to help metabolism tubuh.Jenis this fruit can neutralize toxins and other materials that can not be digested. Berries also help reduce bad cholesterol which will ultimately help you lose weight.

4. Diets with Peaches or Peach
Peaches contain sugar that the body needs. Peaches also have the energy needed to start the process of digestion. Peaches include in the diet will make the diet more successful.

5. Diets with Fruit Dry Fruits
Dates, prunes and raisins are dried fruit types that can be added in the diet. Such as fresh fruit, dried fruit is also effective in reducing cholesterol and burn excess fat. Dried fruits are very good for losing weight quickly if included in your diet.

6. Diets with Pineapple
Pineapple is a fruit that is free of cholesterol and fat. Pineapple fiber is also rich in vitamins, minerals antioxidants and other essential nutrients. Pineapple is very good for a diet program a success because this fruit contains 85 percent of the water that will make the stomach remains full for a long time thus reducing the desire to eat.

7. Diets with Watermelon
Watermelon is fat free fruit such as pineapple. Most of the water content of watermelon is rich in vitamin A and vitamin C. The role of vitamin A and vitamin C is to reduce blood pressure and pumping energy in the body. Watermelon also will reduce hunger longer because the water content of the lot.

8. Diets with Banana
Bananas are rich in soluble starch so that it will accelerate the fat burning process. Bananas also will keep you full longer. Diligent eating bananas combined with drinking water because it will make feel full longer.

9. Diets with Apples
Apple is a fruit that is rich in fiber. Apple has a sweet taste that will relieve want to eat snacks like candy. Apples also can clean up the system in the body that can help lose weight.

10. Diets with Citrus Fruits

Oranges contain a lot of water. Orange is ssalah a good source of energy and will also help in the fat burning process in the body.

1 comment:

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